Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular Rehab at our clinic: Specialized treatments for altered balance, dizziness, and vertigo. Regain stability and improve your quality of life.

Vertigo, a distinctive form of dizziness, manifests as a disorienting spinning sensation, creating the perception that either you or the entire room is in motion. This unsettling experience often accompanies symptoms such as nausea and light-headedness, signaling a disruption in the vestibular system.

At the forefront of vertigo causes stands BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, characterized by sudden, intense spinning episodes triggered by specific head movements. Everyday actions like bending forward, rolling over in bed, or transitioning from lying down to sitting can induce these episodes.

The origins of these symptoms often elude explanation, appearing sporadically for a few days, lingering for weeks, or surfacing after head trauma. BPPV, the primary culprit, arises from particles or crystals within the inner ear’s balance system, typically affecting one ear but occasionally impacting both. While BPPV claims the title of the most common vertigo cause, other contributors include Meniere’s disease, neck joint dysfunction, vestibular migraine, and acoustic neuroma.

Aside Vertigo, our vestibular rehabilitation service employs physiotherapy techniques to address issues of balance and coordination. Through targeted eye-vestibular exercises, we endeavor to retrain the vestibular system. Upon diagnosis, our treatments involve specific body and head movements, expertly designed to relocate crystals within the inner ear, alleviating dizziness and vertigo.

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